• Scenes from CPA

    Scenes from CPA

    We were honored to exhibit, present, and talk with many incredible people from the Pennsylvania Prevention Community. Here are some snips to inspire you. Time is of the essence in… Read More

  • This Week In Public Health is on Instagram!

    This Week In Public Health is on Instagram!

    We’re recently moved into short reels to help distill scientific findings “in a nutshell.” With the normal caveat that nothing takes the place of deep reading and studying, this can… Read More

  • Partnering with The Dawn Chorus Group: Amplifying Social Good Through Innovative Data Science

    Partnering with The Dawn Chorus Group: Amplifying Social Good Through Innovative Data Science

    In the dynamic world of social services, it’s crucial to align with partners who are not just experts but also passionately committed to making a difference. The Dawn Chorus Group… Read More

  • Risk and Protective Ecology

    Risk and Protective Ecology

    Later today, Dr. Trish Campie and I will be presenting on some of our results from the 7-year ReSOLV study, which looked to investigate the impact of community factors on… Read More

  • Countdown to the Global Implementation Conference

    Countdown to the Global Implementation Conference

    The Global Implementation Society promotes research, effective implementation, and scaling practices. This is accomplished by fostering a professional community supported by globally engaged regional leadership. GIS disseminates knowledge designed to… Read More

  • How we used context to understand school safety

    How we used context to understand school safety

    Webinar ALERT! Register today for the ReSOLV’s (Research on Lowering Violence in Communities and School) webinar, Keeping Schools and Communities: Using a Context-Sensitive Approach to Build Readiness to Prevent School… Read More

  • Empowerment Evaluation Unleashed: Elevating Private Sector Business Strategies to New Heights

    The concept of empowerment evaluation (EE) has traditionally found its stronghold within the realm of non-profit organizations, schools, and government settings. As a participatory approach to program evaluation, it aims… Read More

  • Leveraging Program Evaluation in the Private Sector: Unleashing the Power of Customer Understanding

    Leveraging Program Evaluation in the Private Sector: Unleashing the Power of Customer Understanding

    Today, businesses operate in an increasingly customer-centric world where understanding consumer needs, preferences, and behaviors is paramount. As competition intensifies and market dynamics become increasingly complex, businesses must move beyond… Read More

  • What Is Fiscal Sponsorship and How Can It Benefit Your Organization?

    What Is Fiscal Sponsorship and How Can It Benefit Your Organization?

    If you are looking for a way to get your organization’s project off the ground, fiscal sponsorship may be a good option for you. Fiscal sponsorship is a relationship in… Read More

  • Research Weaving: An infographic

    As part of the SBIR, we are going to be tasked with pulling together lots of different sources of textual and metatextual data to determine the state of the science…. Read More

  • Let’s do another late-night grant-writing blog!

    Let’s do another late-night grant-writing blog!

    Over the past month or so, we here at Dawn Chorus have been going full steam getting a proposal together for an NIH SBIR. No matter the outcome, we’ve learned… Read More

  • Design Thinking and Community-Based Research

    Design Thinking and Community-Based Research

    The NJHI project is wrapping up. As I put together the final report, I spread out all the data sources and artifacts that we’ve collected over the last few years…. Read More