A Vacancy in Municipal Government: My interview

There was recently a vacancy in our local government (the Board of Supervisors) in Exeter Township, Reading, PA. I’m a perennial candidate for the School Board, so I thought that this might be a broader way to contribute to the place I live. After all, this is a critical aspect of community psychology.

Did it work? As of this writing, the supervisor has not been selected. However, I thought I’d share the written portion of my responses.

If you want to watch my interview, in which I expound on these answers, I’ve hyperlinked it below (for some reason, YouTube embeds have not been working recently on WordPress).


1. What motivates you to seek the position of Supervisor? Please share one specific goal you would like to achieve as Supervisor and outline the steps you would take to accomplish it.

What motivates me to seek the position of Supervisor is a deep commitment to being an active participant in the community I call home. Exeter Township is not just where I live—it’s where my wife’s family has lived for generations. I believe that municipal government plays a crucial role in shaping the quality of life for residents. Yet, it often operates behind the scenes, with many people unaware of how decisions are made and how they impact daily life. I want to change that by ensuring that the community has a clear vision and is actively involved in shaping its future. I want Exeter to have an identity.

My specific goal as Supervisor is to make Exeter Township the best place to live in Berks County. To achieve this, I would start by developing a comprehensive vision that aligns with this overarching goal. This vision would focus on several key areas: affordable and high-quality housing, excellent public amenities, and a strong sense of community. To achieve this, I would ensure that all decisions are data-informed and grounded in solid evidence. By relying on accurate data and proven methodologies, we can create strategies that are not only visionary but also practical and effective in meeting the community’s needs. This approach will help us measure progress and adjust our actions to ensure the best outcomes for Exeter.

First, I would work with the Board and community stakeholders to define what “the best place to live” means for Exeter Township. This could involve public forums, surveys, and discussions to gather input from residents on what they value most—whether it’s maintaining affordable housing, enhancing public spaces, or improving community services.

Next, I would ensure that all township projects, from the development of the promenade to the management of the Country Club, are aligned with this vision. This means creating a strategic plan that ties each initiative back to the goal of making Exeter the best place to live. By focusing on this alignment, we can make more cohesive and impactful decisions that truly enhance our community.

Finally, I would prioritize transparency and communication so that residents are aware of what’s happening in their township and can see how their input is shaping its future. By keeping the community informed and engaged, we can collectively work towards making Exeter Township a place where everyone feels proud to live.

2. How would you describe the duties and responsibilities of an Exeter Township Supervisor? Are you familiar with the Second Class Township Code? If so, how would you apply that knowledge in your role?

As an Exeter Township Supervisor, my responsibilities would span governance, financial oversight, infrastructure management, and community engagement. My role involves ensuring that the township operates effectively, legally, and in the best interest of its residents. I would have to actively participate in township meetings, ensure that decisions comply with the legal requirements of the Second Class Township Code, organize meetings, maintain records, and promote transparency.

A key part of these duties is managing the township’s finances, overseeing budgeting, ensuring expenditures align with financial capabilities, and collaborating with auditors for financial transparency. I would also oversee the maintenance and development of public infrastructure—such as roads, bridges, and public buildings—and manage services like public safety. In every aspect of governance, I would emphasize the importance of data-informed decision-making. Whether it’s budgeting, infrastructure development, or community engagement, relying on data allows us to make informed choices that are transparent, efficient, and aligned with our long-term goals.

I would have to play a crucial role in developing, enacting, and enforcing local ordinances, which are vital for maintaining order and aligning township development with community standards. Engaging with the community and collaborating with other governmental entities are also central to this role, addressing residents’ concerns and ensuring township policies reflect community needs.

My knowledge of the Second Class Township Code is essential for guiding my actions and decisions. This code provides a comprehensive legal framework governing everything from township classification to the specific powers and duties of officials. This would have to be the source document to ensure all actions related to governance, financial management, and public infrastructure comply with the code, maintain transparency, and follow legal procedures for ordinance enactment.

I am also aware of the potential transition to a First Class Township, which presents both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include increased autonomy, improved governance, access to additional resources, enhanced services, and stronger fiscal management. However, disadvantages include increased costs, more complex governance, higher taxes, and the potential loss of community identity. This transition would require careful consideration to balance these factors.

3. Can you provide an overview of your background, including any relevant skills and experiences? Please include any prior involvement with Exeter Township, such as participation in Boards, Commissions, or volunteer activities.

My background is rooted in extensive experience working with communities, focusing on the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs that align with community needs. With a PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology, I have dedicated my career to fostering positive social change through evidence-based practices, community engagement, and strategic evaluation.

Over the years, I have collaborated with various organizations to design and implement programs that meet the unique needs of diverse communities. As the Principal of The Dawn Chorus Group, I coordinated measurement and evaluation strategies for a $60 million initiative focused on vaccine equity, ensuring that our approach was both impactful and responsive to community needs. My role involved developing and scaling novel research projects aimed at low-resourced stakeholders, which further honed my skills in aligning programming with community priorities.

In addition to my professional experience, I have a strong history of volunteerism, particularly within the Exeter community. For the past six years, I have volunteered as a coach for the Exeter United Football Club, where I am currently an intramural coordinator. This role allows me to directly engage with families and young athletes, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment. Furthermore, I serve on the Board of The Village of Reading, a non-profit dedicated to reducing teen violence. I am the chair of Conexio/Coras, a Delaware-based behavioral health services provider owned by Exeter-based Imperium. My involvement with these organizations underscores my commitment to addressing critical community issues through active participation and leadership.

In applying my knowledge of the Second Class Township Code to my role in Exeter Township, I would leverage my experience in community engagement and program implementation to ensure that the township’s policies and initiatives are effectively aligned with the needs and priorities of its residents.

4. In your view, what role does a Supervisor play in shaping the culture of the Board and the township government? How would you approach creating a positive, resilient, and constructive environment both within the government and in the community?

A Supervisor plays a crucial role in shaping the culture of the Board and township government, acting as a leader who sets the standard for decision-making, policy implementation, and community engagement. Drawing on my extensive experience working with communities to develop and implement programs, I understand the importance of fostering a positive, resilient, and constructive environment within both the government and the community.

As a Supervisor, I would focus on actively involving community members in the township’s decisions, ensuring that their voices are genuinely heard and respected. Creating an inclusive environment where residents feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns is essential. I believe that community input should be a driving force behind township policies and initiatives, reflecting the real needs and priorities of the people we serve.

Within the Board, I would work to build a culture of mutual respect, transparency, and continuous improvement. Encouraging open communication among Board members, welcoming diverse perspectives, and making decisions based on solid evidence and community needs are key components of this approach. I would also emphasize the importance of regular reflection and evaluation to ensure we are meeting our objectives and adapting to new challenges. I believe that a culture of data-informed decision-making is crucial for building a resilient and constructive environment. By using evidence-based practices, we can ensure that our policies and initiatives are not only effective but also responsive to the evolving needs of the community.

In the broader community, I would lead by example, demonstrating a commitment to service, integrity, and responsiveness. By building strong relationships with local organizations, such as The Village of Reading and Conexio/Coras, I would support initiatives that address pressing local issues and promote the well-being of our residents. My volunteer work as a coach and board member underscores my belief in the power of local engagement to strengthen and uplift our community.

Ultimately, a Supervisor’s role is not just to manage but to inspire and empower others, ensuring that the township government serves as a positive and effective force that reflects the community’s values and aspirations.

5. The Board is currently engaged in both short- and long-term planning efforts, including discussions on projects like the potential sale of the Promenade property, the Reading Country Club, and the development of a municipal campus. What are your thoughts on long-range planning for Exeter Township? How would you prioritize these or other potential development projects?

Long-range planning for Exeter Township is a critical endeavor, but it must be rooted in a clear and shared vision of the type of community we want Exeter to become. Before we can effectively prioritize or make decisions on major projects like the potential sale of the Promenade property, the Reading Country Club, or the development of a municipal campus, we first need to establish a cohesive vision for the township’s future. Once we have that vision, we can assess how these projects align with our broader goals and contribute to making Exeter the best place to live in Berks County.

Each of the proposed projects requires a thorough analysis of the underlying assumptions and their potential impact on our community. All long-term decisions should be data-driven, ensuring that we are basing our strategies on reliable information and evidence. This approach will allow us to anticipate future challenges and opportunities, making our planning more robust and adaptable. For instance, if we are considering the sale of the Promenade property, it is essential to determine how the proceeds will be used and what type of development on that site would best align with our vision for Exeter. The decision should not be driven solely by financial considerations but by how it can enhance the quality of life for residents and contribute to our long-term goals.

Regarding the Reading Country Club, we need to engage the community to understand what they want from this space. It’s important to consider how we can increase its utilization in a way that benefits the broader community. For example, before deciding on the development of amenities like a restaurant, we need to ask whether there is a genuine demand for it and how it would contribute to making Exeter a more desirable place to live.

The development of a municipal campus also requires careful consideration. We need to evaluate the benefits of this project and how it compares to our current facilities. Does it provide a significant improvement in terms of efficiency, accessibility, or services? And most importantly, does it align with our long-term vision for the township?

In all these decisions, the guiding question should be: “What would make Exeter the best place to live in Berks County?” By consistently applying this lens, we can ensure that our long-range planning efforts are focused on creating a thriving, vibrant community that meets the needs and aspirations of its residents. Prioritizing these projects involves not just looking at their immediate benefits but also how they contribute to our overall vision for Exeter’s future.

6. The current Board’s approach involves allowing the Manager and department heads to operate township functions based on Board direction, without micromanagement. How would you describe your leadership style, particularly in the context of a supervisory or leadership role?

My leadership style is grounded in trust, collaboration, and empowerment, which aligns well with the current Board’s approach of allowing the Manager and department heads to operate township functions with autonomy based on Board direction. I believe that effective leadership in a supervisory role involves setting clear expectations, providing strategic guidance, and then trusting the professionals in their respective roles to execute their responsibilities effectively.

In my experience leading teams and managing complex projects, I’ve found that the best results come when people are empowered to use their expertise and creativity without being micromanaged. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among team members, encouraging them to take initiative and solve problems proactively. My role as a leader is to provide the support and resources they need while also ensuring that the overall direction remains aligned with the township’s goals and community needs.

I also prioritize open communication and transparency in my leadership style. Regular check-ins, clear channels for feedback, and a collaborative approach to problem-solving are essential. This ensures that while department heads have the freedom to manage their operations, they also feel supported and connected to the broader vision of the Board and the township.

Moreover, I believe in leading by example, demonstrating integrity, professionalism, and a commitment to community service in all my actions. This sets a standard for the team and helps build a positive, constructive work environment where everyone feels valued and motivated.

7. Do you intend to run for a full term as Exeter Supervisor in the 2025 election, with a term beginning in January 2026?

In the spirit of continuous improvement and learning, I am open to the possibility of running in the 2025 election for a full term as Exeter Supervisor, but I am not yet fully committed. My decision will ultimately depend on whether I feel I can bring genuine value to the Board and effectively represent the needs of the Exeter community. If I find that my contributions align with and support the community’s goals and aspirations, then I would strongly consider running. However, if I determine that my efforts are not meeting the needs of Exeter as effectively as they should, it may be more appropriate for someone else to step forward to represent our community. My focus remains on ensuring that Exeter Township is well-served and that its residents’ voices are heard and respected.